... with the new Metabolic Balance nutrition plan

The plan is individually tailored to your needs and is based on peer-reviewed scientific nutrition research.

Find out at a glance:

  • Which foods are optimal for me?
  • How should I combine them and how much should I eat?
Metabolic Balance nutrition plan

How to get started?

You can achieve your health goal much faster than you think

With Metabolic Balance you receive a unique and individually tailored metabolic program that supports you on your way to achieving your health goals. Find out how and how quickly you can achieve the goals you have set yourself.

Would you like personal support from a Metabolic Balance practitioner near where you live? You’ll find the right contact person in our online database.
Would you like to be flexible in terms of time and location? Many of our Metabolic Balance practitioners can support you remotely for some or all of your consultations.
Your practitioner will fully assess your current health and well being. You’ll get to know all about Metabolic Balance, discuss your goals and wishes and gain initial information to your practitioner.
The analysis of your blood values forms the basis for the creation of your individual nutrition plan.
You’ll receive your personal nutrition plan with healthy, varied meals. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to change your eating habits. 8 rules and a smartphone app will help you. Some practitioners offer further support by way of online communities, social media, and personalised shopping and recipe support etc.
You have an individual practitioner fully trained as a Metabolic Balance coach at your side right from the start, either online or in person. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact them. Share your successes with them and get practical motivational tips.
Phase 1 – the preparation days. The body is gently prepared for nutritional change.                           Phase 2 – in the first two weeks, adhere strictly to the food list in your nutrition plan. After that, oils will return to your life – and treat meals where you can eat whatever you want once a week.                     Phase 3 – the food list on your plan is extended and you try, with the guidance of your practitioner, to introduce further healthy foods                                  Phase 4 – you get to experiment for yourself, based on your experiences from the first three phases – and learn what works for you. You slowly incorporate more from outside the plan, but you’ll always have your newly-learned eating habits.

Calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index)

40 Years

175 cm

75 kg

Your BMI


You are moderately underweight and should not lose any more weight.

Your BMI


You have a normal weight or ideal weight.

Your BMI


You are overweight. The reasons for this could e.g. Overeating or lack of exercise.

Your BMI


You are overweight (obesity = obesity) and should lose weight urgently.

The ideal weight is between your age and your height kg.

Healthy metabolism – healthy body

In short: Metabolic Balance can restore the right balance to your metabolism! That means letting those unnecessary kilos and old habits go and taking off on a new path in life – being healthy and enjoying life.

Healthy body – healthy mind

The right food for you plays an important role, not only for your body, but also for your mind. By fueling yourself correctly you can help increase the efficiency of your brain. You’ll feel energised, fitter, mentally active and can keep up with everyday demands: feeling old and unwell can become a distant memory!

Proven, based on scientific facts and confirmed results

The Metabolic Balance program was founded in 2002 and has since been continuously developed and optimised by scientists. This nutrition program was developed in the medical practice of Dr. Wolf Funfack. It is designed to support the healing of nutritional diseases in a natural way. It is highly successful. Metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, are all unfortunately far too prevalent but may all be managed or even resolved. Participants are also thrilled by the side effect  – effective and sustainable weight regulation.

Activate your inner doctor

All organisms have self-healing powers created by a finely-tuned interaction between the immune, nervous and hormone systems. However, in the case of metabolic disorders, the power of self-regulation is often completely disabled and may lead to susceptibility to infections, sleep disorders, allergies, food intolerances or serious metabolic diseases such as rheumatism, gout, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic Balance has a regulatory effect on your metabolism. A balanced metabolism can produce all the necessary hormones and enzymes by itself when the correct nutrition supplies it with the right materials. This strengthens the power of self-regulation, and provides important stimuli for healing – it is this that activates your inner doctor.

You are not alone

More than 1 million people have already successfully participated in the Metabolic Balance nutrition programme over the past 20 years. Become a part of our community! Your added bonus: your Metabolic Balance consultant will respond to your individual needs and accompany you professionally through the four phases of the program.

... includes detailed consultation

In addition to the analysis of the blood values, a detailed medical history with personal information on current health, eating habits or medications forms the prerequisite for creating a reliable metabolic and nutritional plan. A metabolic plan without this information is not likely to work or lead to lasting success.

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